Professional Drum Lessons (Learn Right; Play Right) in Yuma, Arizona For Sale
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.
Learn to play the drums the right way from a "qualified" professional. You simply must develop some basic rudimentary skills and gain at least some basic knowledge of what you are playing before you can start to become a truly accomplished drummer and musician. With over 35 years experience playing and over 30 years experience teaching I will help you become the best drummer you can be in the shortest possible time.
There is a big difference between a properly trained drummer and a self taught one. A properly trained drummer has a much better sense of timing, dynamics, grove, flow, and has developed higher skills all around based on having a much deeper understanding of the instrument.
I will teach you stick control, proper playing form, your essential rudiments, how to use dynamics, basic and odd time signatures, beat notation, how to read drum beats from sheet music, how to play smooth and fluidly, and how to put it all together on your drum set.
You will be playing well enough to make some good music in a fairly short time with just a little effort and practice. You will be playing a basic beat in 2 lessons. If you are a little more advanced already I will help you go even further in your playing skill. Lessons can be done at your home or in my home studio.
Why invest good money in a drum set without investing a little in yourself to learn how to play them properly? My rates are very reasonable and I never try to lock you down with a contract! You pay as you go with me. I want to make it as easy as possible to help you to learn how to play this fine instrument. If you are serious about wanting to be a drummer and you want to learn how to play the right way then call Jim at 623-937-xxxx or just reply to this AD and let's get you started. Thanks.
Music instruments in Arizona for sale
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